COVID-19, a letter from our Parish Nurse

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Out of an abundance of precaution to the recent COVID-19 (Coronavirus) that has developed, Mount Olive has determined to be proactive in helping our church and its members stay safe and healthy. As your Parish Nurse, I am sending this message to you with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control. These recommendations are things we should be practicing to limit the spread of illness.

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the COVID-19 virus. Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart and lung disease or diabetes seem at higher risk for developing complications from the COVID-19 illness. The CDC is recommending these individuals to avoid groups of people as much as possible and stay home to reduce your risk of being exposed. If you are elderly, have a chronic health issue or have been advised by your healthcare professional to limit contact with groups of people, please stay home.
For everyone, take these these everyday precautions:
  1. Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  2. With everyone, maintain a 3 to 6 foot distance.
  3. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, touching your face or having been in a public place. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive home from work, shopping, school, church or any public areas or gatherings. If soap and water not available use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. At Mount Olive Church, mini hand sanitizer bottles are in each pew, and hand sanitizer dispensers are at the entry to the worship area and on the second floor Sunday School area. There are sinks in the restrooms. (Commercial wipes and sprays and even bleach may be hard to find at stores. If you have bleach at home, follow the directions on the bottle to dilute it for disinfecting use. Do not use bleach at full strength.)
  4. To repeat this important note, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands if you do. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water not available.
  5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces of your home with cleaners labeled to kill viruses. Do not rely on vinegar or essential oils to kill the COVID-19 virus. Follow directions on the cleaner’s label. Frequently touched areas include door knobs, light switches, faucets, sinks, banisters, countertops, chairs and tabletops.
  6. Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care. Call your healthcare provider prior to visit and follow their recommendations.
  7. Avoid hand contact. While we are at church, everyone will understand if we don’t hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer, and greeting. A warm smile and kind words are welcoming and loving also. I pray we will be able to return to our hand holding and hand shaking in the future.
As Followers of Christ, we are called to trust in God. God is in control, He knows what is best for all of us, and loves us more than I can understand. We do not have a spirit of fear. We have hope. I encourage us all to stop, take a moment to pray, tell God all your needs and fears and trust in Him.
Please contact me with any questions, needs or concerns. My cell is 402-740-1987. My email is
Yours in Christ,
Amie Rikke, 
RN Parish Nurse/Health Ministry Coordinator
