Help Yourself to Be Healthy - Boost Your Immune System

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
With advice everywhere about the Coronavirus, I thought I’d send you my thoughts on some things you can do to help your immune system be in tip top shape and ready to defend your body from infection!
God has created our bodies to fight off invading infections with our immune system. When an invading virus, bacteria or other unwanted guest enters our body, a complex response occurs to defend us. Our immune system is triggered, and white blood cells, antibodies and other chemicals are carried through the circulatory and lymph systems to destroy the threat. Also, the body can respond by a reaction, like when a virus is in our nose, and we sneeze.
Currently there is no medicine that will reduce or kill the Coronavirus. There is no immunization.  COVID-19 is the specific name of the novel Coronavirus that we are concerned about. There are always Coronavirus around. They cause the common cold. COVID-19 is a mutated form of Coronavirus. Virus can’t be treated by antibiotics; antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. Scientist are working on an immunization for the COVID-19 virus, but that takes time.
Here are some ways to improve your immune system to help fight off illness:
  • Stay Active. Exercise increases your blood circulation throughout the body, which causes your body’s antibodies and white blood cells to circulate more rapidly, which means they can reach the virus or bacteria quickly to destroy. Being active also lowers stress hormones, which reduces helps lowers risk of infection. Recent studies in the United Kingdom show people who exercise regularly have half the risk of coming down with a cold virus. If they did get a cold, their symptoms were less severe. Also increasing your body temperature during exercise may help kill germs in your body. I will talk more about exercise in a minute. It’s so important to our health.
  • Eat Well. Did you know that eighty percent of your immune system is in the gut? Yes, all those “beneficial bacteria” the yogurt commercials have been telling us about are the backbone of our immune system. Including fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, miso and kefir will provide beneficial bacteria to your gut, which supports the immune system. A diet like the Mediterranean diet that includes fruits, vegetables in a wide variety of colors, healthy fats of olive oils, nuts and fatty fish provides nutrients such as vitamins C and zinc which support the immune system and help our cells function properly. Talk to your healthcare professional to see if you should be taking a supplement with these nutrients. Also ask about taking a vitamin D supplement also. But, don’t forget they call vitamin D the “Sunshine Vitamin “ for a reason. While it’s hard getting all the vitamin D we need from the sun, getting out in the sun does helps us get a natural dose of vitamin D and some fresh air, be sure to use sun screen.
  • Manage Stress. When we experience anxiety and stress, our bodies respond by producing stress hormones that suppress the immune system. We can’t avoid stress in our life, but we can change how we respond to stress and manage it better. In the Bible, in 1 Peter, Peter addresses the Christians who have been scattered, who are facing many trials. I would say they are experiencing stress. Read it and see the assurance that God is in control and has provided a Redeemer. Our hope is in Christ, not in this world. And this world is temporary, it’s not our permanent home. We are just visiting. Praise God! Another strategy to reduce stress is regular daily moderate exercise. This would be 30 minutes of activity like walking, biking, yoga, swimming or golf. Our social interactions help reduce stress. In this time in history, with the recommendations by the Centers of Disease Control to limit interactions with others to avoid exposure to illness, we must figure out other ways to keep in touch with our family and friends. Call them on the phone to check in with one another. Use Facebook and Facebook Messenger, texting and emails. Also, there are many free apps on smart phones that allow you to actually see each other while talking. One excellent free app is “WhatsApp”.
  • Get Enough Sleep. Sleep is a natural immunity booster. Sleep reboots our immune system. Try to get 7 to 9 hours a night. Having a regular, quiet, relaxing, peaceful evening routine which includes Bible reading and prayer helps. Avoid caffeine in the afternoons and evenings.
  • Laugh Out Loud. Laughter strengthens the immune system. Good feeling hormones are released and makes us feel better.
  • Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol. Alcohol consumption has been shown to decrease our immune system’s response to infections.
  • Quit Smoking. Smoking is unhealthy to our bodies in many ways. Smoking damages our cells. Stop smoking and restore your immune system. It’s not too late.
  • Proper Hand Hygiene. After you touch your face, shake hands, use the restroom, cough or sneeze, after you return home from work, shopping, anytime. As a sign on my desk says, “ Wash your hands because Jesus and germs are everywhere.” Prevent germs from causing illness in the first place by practicing good hand washing. Plain old soap and water is best, any brand. Use running water, wet hands, rub soap and work up a lather using plenty of friction for at least 20 seconds. The friction actually destroys the germ cells and the water rinses them off. Sing “Happy Birthday “ to make sure you are rubbing for 20 seconds. Rinse well in running water and dry. If your hands are heavily soiled, soap and water are best. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water not available. Once again after you dispense the hand sanitizer into your palm, rub briskly for 20 seconds. Use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Do it yourself (DIY) hand sanitizer recipes popping up on You Tube and Pinterest are not recommended. If hand sanitizer is not available to purchase, wash with soap and water.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions you may have.

Yours in Christ,

Amie Rikke, RN
Parish Nurse/Health Ministry Coordinator
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
